Mike & Cody



We are Mike and Cody. Thank you for taking the time to learn about us! We pray you feel an immense sense of peace as you prepare to make one of the most important decisions of your life. We really admire your selflessness, courage, and love for your child. We can only imagine what an overwhelming and difficult time this is for you, and we want you to know that whether or not you choose to place your child with us, we care about you as a person and are praying for you.

We have 3 children and are excited at the prospect of adding to our family through adoption. We believe adoption can be so beautiful, but we also know it is rooted in loss, so we do not take the role of adoptive parents lightly. We would love for you to be a part of their life as well, if that is something you desire and are comfortable with. We trust that God can bring beauty from ashes and can restore all things. Adoption is a beautiful picture of His love for us, and we are grateful to even be considered for this role.

We hope you feel loved and supported in this overwhelming time. We are praying earnestly for the child who gets placed in our care and we are praying for you as well. If you choose us to raise your child, we want you to know that we will do everything we can to make sure your child knows he/she is loved beyond measure, by you and us.

With love,
Mike and Cody

Married since 2011

Reside in Virginia

Mike’s Occupation: Police Officer, 1st Sergeant

Cody’s Occupation: Stay-at-home, homeschooling mom; part-time Real Estate Agent

About Us:

We met in 2011 on an online dating site with no idea we would actually find our soulmates! We always laugh that we just kept missing each other in real life, so we are thankful God brought us together in an unconventional way! We knew very quickly that we were serious about each other and started discussing wedding plans within 2 months. Mike always says, “when you know, you know, and I knew.” We were married that same year and thank God daily that He brought us together! We are blessed with 3 biological children, 1 daughter and 2 sons, and they are all very much looking forward to having another sibling. We have an incredible community and support system. Our church family, small group, homeschooling community, and neighborhood are all close-knit and very supportive of our adoption plans. Our future child is already so loved!

We love to be outside as a family and aim to get outside everyday. We believe play is the work of children, so we are thankful that our homeschooling schedule allows for that! Once schoolwork and chores are done, Cody and the children spend their days cooking/baking, playing outside, reading, finding frogs and other fun critters, playing with friends, or going on adventures. When Mike is off work he plays sports with them outside, teaches them about working out, reads to them, and shares his love of movies with them. They love curling up on the couch for a movie night! We are looking forward to having another little one join our family so we can share these experiences with him/her as well.

10 Fun Facts:

  1. We were married just 6 months after we met
  2. All 3 of our children were in the NICU (92 days in all!)
  3. We love celebrating holidays - major ones, birthdays, minor ones, all of them!
  4. Mike is a coffee drinker and Cody is a tea drinker
  5. Cody and the kids love to bake - especially bread, biscuits, muffins, cookies, and cakes
  6. We have 2 cats, Poppy and Jeffrey, and a leopard gecko named Goldie
  7. We take an annual beach vacation with Mike's brother, wife and 4 kids - the cousins are all very close!
  8. We love to play board games as a family, Trouble is a current family favorite
  9. Mike does Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Cody is a runner and loves competing in races, our daughter plays soccer, and the boys wrestle
  10. We love to experience new places and dive deeper into the things we're learning by traveling, hiking, and spending time outside

There is a diverse group of prospective adoptive families waiting to adopt through Family Life Services! This is a sample representation of the couples who hope to build their families through adoption. If you are on a mobile device, click on the three lines above to see the list of waiting families.

If you are interested in learning more about any of our prospective adoptive families, email us at [email protected].  Please note that all families may not be available for consideration at a given time, for various reasons.