David & Rachel


Thank you for taking the time to consider us. We can only imagine the weight of the decisions you are facing and we want you to know we are praying for you. We have been praying for you. We believe that God has a special plan for your life and that He’s weaving together a beautiful and perfect child as only He can do.

We are so excited to grow our family through adoption. Adoption is something that we both have felt called to at different times in our lives. When we decided to start a family, we did not have a specific plan for what our family would look like. We chose adoption because after the birth of our son, we knew that we wanted more children but growing our family biologically was not the path God was calling us to walk.

We believe that adoption is beautiful but we also understand that it isn’t without pain because of the sacrifice you may choose to make. We want you to know that we will forever honor you and your choice. We will always acknowledge the grief that co-exists with the joy inherent in adoption. We will talk about you, include you as much as you are comfortable with and make sure that your baby knows how brave, courageous and selfless you are.

We want what is best for you and your baby. We want to love you and your child well. Whether you choose to parent your sweet baby or choose to place him or her, we are praying for your joy, peace and health during this time. If you choose us to raise your child, please know we will do everything we can to provide a safe, loving, Jesus-following home.

All our love,

Dave & Rachel


Married since 2012

Reside in Virginia

David’s Occupation: Fighter Pilot in the US Air Force

Rachel’s Occupation: Stay-at-Home Mom

About Us:

We have known each other since 2006. When we met, we had no idea that God would carefully and slowly bind us together. After several years of friendship and following our own career paths, we found ourselves wondering what took God so long to open our eyes. We began dating in September of 2011, just before Dave left for his first assignment in England. We sometimes look back on our countless coffee and casual dinner dates during our five years of friendship and marvel at the way God works. We dated long distance for a few months before getting engaged and later married in the summer of 2012.

Through David’s career as an Air Force fighter pilot, we have had the most incredible opportunities to live overseas in England and Japan. We have made family from friends stationed with us and hold so dearly all of our memories from the past decade. Our son, Harvey, is so excited by the idea of becoming a big brother! We have no doubt that he will welcome a little brother or sister with open arms, Paw Patrol reenactments and love!

We feel so fortunate to be living in Virginia and to be closer to family after many years of distance. We have found a local church and we feel more at home than we could have possibly imagined. Our heart’s desire is to provide a loving, Christ-centered home. We want nothing more than to raise children who deeply know and feel the love of Christ.

10 Quick Facts:

1. Rachel could watch The Office and Parks & Rec on repeat basically for forever...Dave not so much. He’d rather a good historical fiction movie which Rachel refers to as an early bedtime on the couch. We can almost always agree on the Great British Bake Off, though...because dessert. 

2. We love frozen pizza on Friday nights. Now that Harvey is older, we like to add in a Friday movie and pizza night every so often, too.

3. We are both from Minnesota and we met in our college band. Dave played the French horn and still plays guitar and Rachel played the clarinet. Rachel also has a habit of humming and on more than one occasion has caused coworkers and strangers in stores to ask ‘is someone singing?’

4. Indian food has become our comfort food. All the places we have lived have had amazing Indian food. We love to cook it at home and we love to get take out. We are happy when we are eating Indian food!

5. We are both pretty introverted, but love small get togethers with our friends. Our son is extremely extroverted and loves to perform dances, skits or monologues for anyone who will watch and listen. He loves to reenact his favorite Paw Patrol scenes, acting as director, main character and will even play supporting roles if necessary. 

6. Our favorite holiday tradition is ribs on Easter. Our first Easter together, we were living in England and the base grocery store was out of everything except ribs. Since then, it’s been a sweet reminder that our traditions are special because of the memories attached to them not because they fit the mold of what we think our holidays should look like!

7. One of our first dates was to an outdoor showing of The Princess Bride but it ended up pouring rain and we had to run back to Rachel’s apartment nearby. 

8. We love coffee. It’s what initially was our common ground when we first met and it’s now what keeps us awake and energized as parents to a very active son!

9. We are hopeful for an open adoption! We would love to keep both the birth mother and birth father involved and included as much as they are comfortable with.

10. We are open to choosing names together! We have names we love but we also think it would be wonderful to combine names special to all of us. David has two middle names, so we don't shy away from lengthy names!


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