Josh & Katie

Hi! Even though we haven’t met you yet, we already know that you are selfless, compassionate, and courageous because you’ve chosen this path that is full of hope. We are honored and thankful that you are here and reading about our family, that you would consider us to take part in the life of you and your child.

We’d love to tell you a little about us. We were high school sweethearts, got married right after college, and have been married for 14 years. We started a family on our multigenerational family farm, surrounded by aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents.

We have always enjoyed working on projects together, like building the addition onto our old stone farmhouse and caring for our sheep through lambing season. But our favorite “project” together has been raising our children. Getting to care for them through their triumphs and struggles is our great joy in life. Our kids are also eager to welcome another little boy or girl into our family and hearts. We are overwhelmed and humbled by adoption, and are so thankful that you would consider us to be a part of your story.

Josh & Katie


Married since 2009

Reside in Virginia

Josh’s Occupation: Building Contractor & Farmer

Katie’s Occupation: Wife, Mom, works part-time for her family’s business

About Us:

Growing up, our family farms were just a mile apart. Through middle and early high school we became close friends and decided to start dating in 2004. We both have similar backgrounds with large families and farming, and decided to carry those things on into our married lives in 2009. We love working on projects together, like renovating our house and raising animals, but we discovered our favorite “project” has been shepherding our children. Adoption has been on our hearts since we were dating, and we’ve felt God’s leading to this time, we are so excited to welcome a child into our family through the beautiful gift of adoption.

A little more about us…Katie spends the days caring for the kids by cooking from scratch, reading to them, and going on adventures with them to the creek. Josh loves teaching the kids all the things his dad taught him, things like how to drive a tractor, grow potatoes, and feed cows. Our afternoons are spent together on the farm doing daily chores and enjoying God’s beautiful creation.

10 Quick Facts:

1. We grow a large garden every year, hoping to provide our family with a lots of fresh fruits and veggies to eat throughout the year.

2. We raise lambs, piglets, cows, horses, and chickens!

3. We have a large sledding hill on the farm that becomes the place to be after a snowstorm.

4. We love playing family games ranging from wiffle-ball to Uno.

5. We enjoy traveling to new places to see and learn about history and God's amazing world.

6. We are part of a great church that teaches God's word.

7. We have a close community of family and friends who live nearby.

8. Our favorite way to wind down in the evening is to read books with our kids.

9. We have a sweet border collie named Bess that loves to herd our sheep and snuggle with the kids.

10. Our kids are the sixth generation of our family to live on our farm.


Michael & Ashlee


David & Rachel