Central Registry Search Instructions
1. The CPS form can be found here.
2. Type the first page of the form (first page is a fillable PDF). Print both pages of the form front and back, (not two separate sheets). The second page must be signed in front of a notary before sending in the form. Everyone in our office is a notary.
3. All forms require a notary signature, notary number and notary expiration date.
4. Complete ALL fields. If the field does not apply, write N/A.
5. Dates of birth are REQUIRED for all persons listed on the form, it cannot be left blank.
6. Marital status is also REQUIRED.
7. The middle name should be the middle name given at birth. If you do not have one, type NMN in place of the middle name.
8. A maiden name is the last name given at birth, this should not be a previous married name.
9. The form should NOT contain WHITE OUT or WHITE OUT TAPE, or the appearance of any alterations.
10. All forms have a scan bar at the bottom. Do not write in the area near or within this scan bar. If you need additional space to complete the form (i.e. providing information on addresses, spouses and children) use an 8X11 sheet of paper and attach it along with your form to be mailed.
11. Payments accepted: money order, cashier check or business check only; made out to VA Department of Social Services. NO OTHER FORMS OF PAYMENT ARE ACCEPTED. The fee is $10.00.for each request.